2014 m. vasario 7 d., penktadienis

Liūdna daina

Seniai berašiau, bet norėčiau įkelti vieną dainą. Nepamenu tiksliai, bet gal koks pusmetis aš nuolat paklausau šios tuvių grupės HUUN HUUR TU. O vieną dainą būdavo tik pradeda grot ir tuoj baisinis liūdesys apima. Pasirodo, ne be reikalo, nes teksto vertimas štai koks :(


I'm an orphan; I'm alone.
Pity I didn't die as a baby.
If I had died as a baby,
I never would have suffered.

I am the loneliest.
Pity I didn't die in my cradle.
If I had died in my cradle,
I wouldn't have suffered.

Pity the baby birds,
Left without a nest.
Pity a baby,
Left without a mother

One's fate,
One cannot change it.
My departed mother,
Nothing can bring her back


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