2013 m. sausio 7 d., pirmadienis

Mano asmeninės spalvos pagal Zyla

Perskaičiau David Zyla knygą ir maždaug atitaikiau savo asmenines spalvas

Nuo viršaus ir sudėliojau kaip jis diktuoja: essence, romantic, dramatic, energy (toj skarelėj pilkiausia žalia), tranquil (skarelėje yra tokie labai švelnūs pilkai žalsvi lapeliai arba dėšinėj kiek gelsvesnė chaki padėta), first base (irgi dvejoju ar pilkesnė žalia ar olive'snė), second base ir thirt base (arba šiltas beige arba kaip koks cinamonas)

Čia keli paaiškinimai iš kitų www
Essence Color: Your version of White - the color that harmonizes the colors of your skin
Romantic Color: Your version of Red, your color when you blush
Dramatic Color: Your version of Blue (which may be Green or Purple) - the most dominant color of the veins in your wrist
Energy Color: The darkest color of your Iris (eye)
Tranquil Color:The lightest color of your Iris
First Base: Your version of Black, the dark ring around your pupil Second Base: Your version of Brown, darkest color of your hair
Third Base: Your version of Khaki, the lightest color your hair

dar čiut iš kito www
Essence: Your vulnerable colour, your version of white, a skin tone that harmonises the colours in the palm of your hand.
Romantic: Your passion colour, your version of red found by gently pinching a fingertip—or the colour of when you blush.
Dramatic: Your "look at me" colour, your version of blue, found in the colour of the veins in your wrist.
Energy: The colour that supports you when you need a pick me up, taken from the darkest part of your iris (but not the ring around the iris).
Tranquil: Your peaceful colour, taken from the lightest part of your iris.

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